
Welcome to the MoneroPay documentation. Here you will find information on how to deploy it and API specification.

MoneroPay banner - Logo by @mondetta, mascot by @siren MoneroPay logo by Mondetta, mascot by Siren.

Feel free to open a PR, raise an issue or request a new feature.

For related discussions join our Matrix room.

What is this?

A backend service for receiving, sending and tracking status of Monero payments.

MoneroPay provides a simple HTTP API for merchants or individuals who want to accept XMR.

MoneroPay supports optional status updates via HTTP Callbacks.

MoneroPay is not a plugin for an existing e-commerce solution. It is a standalone backend daemon that can be used for any purpose. Some use cases are:

  • Online stores/e-commerce
  • Donation/fundraiser websites
  • ATMs
  • Paid services like parking or bus ticket applications
  • Shell scripts and programs for any purpose

MoneroPay utilizes:

  • Monero Wallet RPC
  • PostgreSQL (or SQLite)


Docker Compose

The MoneroPay repository contains docker-compose.yaml which is a complete setup of MoneroPay + PostgreSQL + monero-wallet-rpc.

Create the .env, docker-compose.override.yaml files from the .env.example, docker-compose.override.yaml.example and configure it.

cp .env.example .env
cp docker-compose.override.yaml.example docker-compose.override.yaml
vim .env
vim docker-compose.override.yaml

Start MoneroPay and its dependencies. If no wallet file was provided, MoneroPay will create a new wallet under ./data/wallet. The wallet auto-creation feature was introduced in version 2.7.0.

docker compose up -d


Running MoneroPay without Docker.


  • Go compiler
  • PostgreSQL server (and an empty database)
  • monero-wallet-rpc server
  • A Monero wallet (view-only or full)


git clone
cd moneropay
go build ./cmd/moneropay

Now MoneroPay help page can be checked via ./moneropay -h


MoneroPay is meant to be run inside local network and should not be exposed to the public internet. If it needs to be exposed, we suggest reverse proxying using a web server. This way authentication and SSL encryption can be used to secure your connection.

Below is an example configuration for reverse proxying and enabling basic authentication on top of MoneroPay using Caddy2 web server.

/etc/caddy/Caddyfile: {
	basicauth {
		admin your_password_hash
	reverse_proxy localhost:5000

Generate the your_password_hash field using the caddy hash-password command.


It is possible differentiate MoneroPay instances based on their X-Moneropay-Address HTTP header. This header contains the wallet's primary address.

Merchant workflow

Here is a sequence diagram that displays the interaction between the merchant and MoneroPay.


Table of Endpoints

POST/receive{"amount": 123000000, "description": "Stickers", "callback_url": "http://merchant"}
POST/transfer{"destinations": [{"amount": 1337000000, "address": "47stn..."}]}

All the amount fields are in atomic units, also known as piconero.

GET /balance

Get the entire wallet balance.


curl -s -X GET "${endpoint}/balance"


  "total": 2513444800,
  "unlocked": 800000000,

For querying received amounts to subaddresses take a look at GET /receive/:address endpoint.

GET /health

Check if required services are up.


curl -s -X GET "${endpoint}/health"


200 OK

  "status": 200,
  "services": {
    "walletrpc": true,
    "postgresql": true

503 Service Unavailable

  "status": 503,
  "services": {
    "walletrpc": false,
    "postgresql": true

POST /receive

Create a subaddress for incoming transfers.


curl -s -X POST "${endpoint}/receive" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"amount": 123000000, "description": "Server expenses", "callback_url": "http://merchant/callback/moneropay_tio2foogaaLo9olaew4o"}'

"complete" will be set to true inside callback and GET /receive/:subaddress payload, when unlocked amount is equal or more to the one specified in "amount".

"description" and "callback_url" are optional. If "callback_url" is set, MoneroPay will send a POST request to URL specified with a payload described here.


  "address": "84WsptnLmjTYQjm52SMkhQWsepprkcchNguxdyLkURTSW1WLo3tShTnCRvepijbc2X8GAKPGxJK9hfQhLHzoKSxh7y8Yqrg",
  "amount": 123000000,
  "description": "Server expenses",
  "created_at": "2022-07-18T11:54:49.780542861Z"

GET /receive/:address

View incoming transfers for a subaddress.


curl -s -X GET "${endpoint}/receive/${address}?min=${min_height}&max=${max_height}"

Optionally filter "transactions" by min and max block height.


  "amount": {
    "expected": 200000000,
    "covered": {
      "total": 200000000,
      "unlocked": 200000000
  "complete": true,
  "description": "Donation to Kernal",
  "created_at": "2022-07-11T19:04:24.574583Z",
  "transactions": [
      "amount": 200000000,
      "confirmations": 10,
      "double_spend_seen": false,
      "fee": 9200000,
      "height": 2402648,
      "timestamp": "2022-07-11T19:19:05Z",
      "tx_hash": "0c9a7b40b15596fa9a06ba32463a19d781c075120bb59ab5e4ed2a97ab3b7f33",
      "unlock_time": 0,
      "locked": false

POST /transfer

Transfer to a single or multiple recipients. If necessary, split the transfer into multiple transactions.


curl -s -X POST "${endpoint}/transfer" \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-d '{"destinations": [{"amount": 1337000000, "address": "47stn..."}]}'

This transaction uses balance of the wallet's Primary Account.


  "amount": 1337000000,
  "fee": 87438594,
  "tx_hash": "5ca34...",
  "tx_hash_list": ["5ca34...", "cf448..."],
  "destinations": [
      "amount": 1337000000,
      "address": "47stn..."

Deprecated: TxHash (tx_hash) field will be removed the next major release (3.0.0). Please use TxHashList (tx_hash_list) instead. See here for more details.

GET /transfer/:tx_hash

Get information about transaction via its hash.


curl -s -X GET "${endpoint}/transfer/${tx_hash}"


  "amount": 79990000,
  "fee": 9110000,
  "state": "completed",
  "transfer": [
      "amount": 79990000,
      "address": "453biCQpM6oSSr7jgTwmtC9YfiXUWZY1wEfSZJD4r6rf7mPqPj8NZpp7WYpAHVq7p69SYa1B1zMN6SeRc8exYi1WEenqu2c"
  "confirmations": 15,
  "double_spend_seen": false,
  "height": 2407445,
  "timestamp": "2022-07-18T11:37:50Z",
  "unlock_time": 10,
  "tx_hash": "cf448effb86f24f81476c0012a6636700488e13accd91f8f43302ae90fed25ce"

Callback payload

MoneroPay contains a goroutine which checks for new incoming transactions every 5 seconds and sends a POST request to "callback_url" specified in the POST /receive endpoint with the following payload:

  "amount": {
    "expected": 0,
    "covered": {
      "total": 200000000,
      "unlocked": 200000000
  "complete": true,
  "description": "Donation to Kernal",
  "created_at": "2022-07-11T19:04:24.574583Z",
  "transaction": {
    "amount": 200000000,
    "confirmations": 10,
    "double_spend_seen": false,
    "fee": 9200000,
    "height": 2402648,
    "timestamp": "2022-07-11T19:19:05Z",
    "tx_hash": "0c9a7b40b15596fa9a06ba32463a19d781c075120bb59ab5e4ed2a97ab3b7f33",
    "unlock_time": 0,
    "locked": false

Additionally the same data can be retrieved via GET /receive/:address endpoint and is encouraged to check once in a while at the higher end application in case of a downtime or failed callback delivery.


The configuration parameters for MoneroPay are as follows:

$ ./moneropay -h
Usage of ./moneropay:
  -bind="localhost:5000": Bind address:port for moneropayd
  -config="": Path to configuration file
  -log-format="pretty": Log format (pretty or json)
  -poll-frequency=5s: Interval for checking new incoming and pool payments.
  -postgresql="postgresql://moneropay:s3cret@localhost:5432/moneropay": PostgreSQL connection string
  -rpc-address="http://localhost:18082/json_rpc": Wallet RPC server address
  -rpc-password="": Password for monero-wallet-rpc
  -rpc-username="": Username for monero-wallet-rpc
  -sqlite="": SQLite3 connection string
  -transfer-mixin=8: Number of outputs from the blockchain to mix with (0 means no mixing)
  -transfer-priority=0: Set a priority for transactions
  -transfer-unlock-time=10: Number of blocks before the monero can be spent (0 to not add a lock)
  -zero-conf=false: Enable 0-conf mode. Sends 3 callbacks (0-conf, 1-conf, 10-conf).

These parameters are also available as environment variables. For example, --log-format can be configured by setting LOG_FORMAT.


When enabled, MoneroPay sends 3 callbacks in total: 0-conf, 1-conf and unlock (default 10-conf). Support for 0-conf was added in version 2.6.0.

Set --zero-conf=true (ZERO_CONF=true) to enable 0 confirmation mode.